6600-168 High-Limit Sensor with box end connectors Please Note: Sundance has redesigned the size of the high limit sensor it is smaller in diameter, you may need to use some silicone to hold the sensor in the sensor drywell. Used on the following Sundance models:
- 2012-2015 880 Aspen
- 2005-2015 850, 880 and Select Series, : Maxxus, Optima, Cameo, Majesta, Altamar, Marin, Capri, Constance, Victoria
- 1997-2005 400,600,600-S, 750, 800 and 850 Series: Suntub SV/DV, Tango, Rio, Montego, Calypso 1 & 2, Tango, Corum, Maxxus, Optima, Cameo, Majesta, Altamar, Marin, Capri
- 1996 650/850 Series: Calypso 1, Royale, Corum, Maxxus, Optima, Cameo, Majesta, Altamar, Marin, Capri
- 1996 400, 650 Series: Tango, Suntub DV & SV, Montego, Rio, Calypso 2, Optima, Maxxus, Marin, Corum, Capri, Cameo
- 1995 850 Series: Royale, Optima, Maxxus, Marin, Corum, Capri, Cameo
- Replaced 6600-128 sensors
- Use 6472-525 Hi Limit for Sundance 2012-2015 880 Aspen, 2016+ 880 Series 2016+, 10/2016+ 980 Systems
Used on the following Jacuzzi models: 2002+ J-300 LCD Series 2002-2003 J-350, J-360, J-380 2004-2006 J-355, J-365, J-375, J-385 All 2006-2009 J-400 Models
